My father drives a 1987 Nissan pickup truck with over 250,000 miles. Despite its age, that old truck still looks good and drives like a champ. On the flip side, my uncle drives a sad, little Honda that's only 8 years old and has 90,000 miles. Despite having relatively few miles, that car is practically spitting blood. On a daily basis, it sputters, smokes, coughs, and wheezes (ironically, not unlike my uncle). The contrast is stark: one vehicle is more than a quarter century old and is still going strong while the other is not even a decade old and is ready for the junkyard.
So what can you do to keep your vehicle in top physical condition?
Here is a list of simple, inexpensive ideas to keep your ride looking and feeling great:
1. Change The Oil Regularly
Besides not dating that guy with the neck tattoo, this was probably the best advice your dad ever gave you. Oil is the lifeblood of your car. Following the manufacturer's recommended maintenance schedule is essential to prolonging your car's life and well being. Whether you prefer to change it yourself, go to a quick lube joint, or have your oil changed at the dealership, this is one of the few universal necessities for all makes, models, and years. When you trade or sell your vehicle - evidence of regular oil changes is the number one thing people look for. It even shows up on Carfax reports.
2. Keep It Clean
Human beings are visual creatures. We instinctively appreciate a neat and orderly space. In addition to looking better, there's a psychological element to having a clean car. People tend to treat clean spaces with more respect. And, if you're like most people, you spend a lot of time in your car. The average American commutes an average of 46 minutes to and from work every day - that's almost two whole work days spent in the car per month! Eating, drinking, reading, yodeling - it takes its toll. Over the years, the wear and tear on your interior can be substantial. As such, make it a goal to wash your vehicle regularly and wipe down the interior with a vinyl protectorant. By simply keeping your car clean and tidy, you will feel better and significantly enhance your vehicle's trade-in value.
3. Wax On - Wax Off
If you've ever watched The Karate Kid, you know that Mr. Miyagi was a very wise man. He taught his young student Daniel-san about honor, self respect, and how to properly wax a 1947 Ford Convertible. Mr. Miyagi understood that waxing a vehicle not only helps revitalize its color and luster, it protects the paint from harsh elements such as acidic water, salt, and oxidation (which can cause rust). Rust can cause serious damage. While you could certainly try to repair body damage yourself, you may need to have it repaired professionally at an auto body shop. To avoid the pain and heartache of watching your car being eaten away by rust, do yourself a favor: Apply a fresh coat of wax to your vehicle every 5-6 months to keep it looking fresh and bright.
4. Made In The Shade
The sun is a wondrous thing. It is the Giver of Life and Destroyer of Worlds. It makes flowers grow, sunbathers happy, and Sun Tea taste great. Unfortunately, it is also an unrelenting force that can wreck havoc on your car's interior. Depending on your location and time of year, it is not uncommon for temperatures inside some automobiles to reach over 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Couple that with prolonged exposure (sometimes 8-10 hours a day) and you have a recipe for disaster. Extreme heat can warp the vehicle's dashboard and melt plastic elements within its interior. Prolonged exposure to intense sunlight can fade interior colors and damage leather upholstery. Think about keeping a portable window screen in the car for particularly hot and sunny days. It will keep the vehicle cool and protect the interior from unnecessary harm.
5. Grease Is The Word
Your car has approximately one bazillion moving parts. When these parts move, they create friction. Friction creates heat. Heat degrades parts. Lucky for you, some ingenuous mechanic way back in yesteryear figured out that applying various chemical compounds (such as oil and grease) to moving parts significantly reduces friction. In addition to regular oil changes, ensuring that your vehicle's parts have proper lubrication is vital to their longevity. If you have not done so recently, it is highly recommended that you contact the dealership and schedule service. Remember: a well lubricated car is a happy car.
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